Seth Gatchell

Swim, Bike, Run: Sept. 27


Mock Triathlon: Saturday: Sept. 27, 7:00 a.m. Where: Seth’s house; 17581 Lebanon Circle, Irvine, 92614 You don’t have to do the WHOLE thing to participate! Some of you are swimmers only, bikers only, and runners only. YOU are invited participate in ONE, two, or all three as YOU desire. For example: Swim starts at 7:30—for…

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Leader Meeting: TUESDAY, Sept. 30


Our Leader Meeting for September will be TUESDAY, Sept. 30, 7:00 at Seth & Mindy’s house, 17581 Lebanon Circle, Irvine, 92614 We will have the privilege of being mentored in our prayer life by one of the strongest couples in prayer I know, Jack & Friede Taylor. They speak all over the country helping Christians…

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New Series: Managing Finances God’s Way


Tired of dealing with money pressure? Is money causing stress in your home? Beginning October 12, we will run a new series called, “Managing Finances God’s Way.” This 7-week series involves: 1. 7 messages regarding how to manage money and not let it “manage” you. 2. Video curriculum (20 minute lessons) from 5 experts in the…

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Swim, Bike, Run


Mock Triathlon Saturday: August 30, 7:00 a.m. Where: Seth’s house; 17581 Lebanon Circle, Irvine, 92614 You don’t have to do the WHOLE thing to participate! Some of you are swimmers only, bikers only, and runners only. YOU are invited participate in ONE, two, or all three as YOU desire. For example:   Swim starts at 7:30—for…

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*** Finding Peace ***


Listen to enough people and your hear them pursuing “peace:” * Inner peace, * Peace  with themselves, * Peace as opposed to  being a worry-wart, * Peace in difficult relationships,  circumstances, or finances, * Peace with difficult kids. Without God, people are left to find peace by their (1) circumstances and (2) own efforts. Think…

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*** Kindness and Sterness ***


Our pop culture likes the idea of a “grandfatherly” god (little “g”), and abhors the idea of a “God of judgment.” It sounds so “avant garde” and “grown-up,” that is, until you imagine a four year old saying to his parents, “I like the idea of Disneyland parents, but I don’t want anything to do…

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