Seth Gatchell

****Self-Defeating Strategies****


2 Sundays ago we looked at 3 Root Problems in every human being: 1. “I want what I want.” 2. “I deserve it.” 3. “I’ll harm, if necessary, to get what I want.” It’s not pretty, but knowing your heart has these three hidden purposes “in play” can help you understand yourself and others a…

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Churches all over O.C. are collecting food this Saturday to help families in crisis. We will be collecting food at 4 local grocery stores. We are asking our folks to sign up for 2 hours (10-noon; 12-2; or 2-4). E-mail Seth at [email protected] with your time preference and we’ll get back to you on which…

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****Dark Night of the Soul****


Dark Night of the Soul Drawing Near to God When He Seems Far Away Bible studies begin this week and next! “God who is everywhere never leaves us. Yet He sees sometimes to be present, sometimes absent. If we do not know Him well, we do not realize that He may be more present to…

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New Series: 6 Calls On Your Life


Walking with God is more than knowing and worshipping Him. It is also responding to His call on our lives. In the next 6 weeks, you’ll learn 6 different calls God makes of us. Responding to God’s call requires trusting Him, stepping out in faith, and engaging your heart and life with what is important …

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Save the date!!!! Friday, March 13, 6:30 p.m. Enjoy an evening with all the following: 1. A  professional comedian named Nazareth. I have heard him twice. He is hilarious and clean! 2. Our own Warren Sellers, professional songwriter, will also be performing that night, playing some of his favorite songs he wrote, along with the…

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Thanksgiving 5k Race


Join Seth and Cole, (and bug Lance to join) for the Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot in Dana Point. We’ve done the race several times. It’s a great course along the ocean on paved road, continues over the bridge along the marina and finishes along the cliffs. One of the most scenic courses I’ve ever run! We will be…

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