Seth Gatchell

Getting in the Word: Feb. 27–Mar. 2


    Stewardship, Week 4 “Building a Heart” This is our final week on stewardship. The stewardship of our resources doesn’t “just happen.” REVIEW: All I have has been given to me by God. He entrusts to me what I have. I have a responsibility (stewardship) to use what He has entrusted to me for…

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Meet Our New Youth Pastor


Sunday, April 3 is a reception for Kevin Alexander, our new Youth Pastor, at Seth & Mindy’s house, 17581 Lebanon Circle, Irvine, 92614. Drop in any time between 1:30 and 4:30. Enjoy some light snacks and drinks, coffee of course.

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Movie Night: Voyage of the Dawn Treader


When? Sunday, Dec. 19 Where? Spectrum Dinner: Ruby’s at 5:00 Movie: 6:45 Coffee: after

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201 Class: How to Grow as a Christian


The 201 class is designed to give you LOTS of ideas to spur you on in growing with the Lord. It’s very practical stuff I’ve used over the last 35 years! It’s helped “unlock” the bible to me, and over time has given me a love for God’s word. If you’d like to know how…

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*****5 Self-Defeating Strategies–(cont)*****


Strategy We all have assumptions about how life ought to work. We respond to life in certain ways but there are things we are inclined to do that undermine the very things we want. We set out to get happiness, but in the way we try to get happiness, even when we get what we…

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5 Self-Defeating Strategies


We are in the middle of a great series on trying to figure out “what went wrong” — in a marriage, with my kids, with someone at work, church, the neighborhood or school. “What went wrong” with out finances, my career, etc. WEEK 1: 3 PROBLEMS IN THE HUMAN HEART Every human being deals with…

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