Seth Gatchell

Developing a Life of Praise


The Importance of Praise Developing a Life of Prayer–Part 1 Prayer comes easy when your backs are against the wall, but when life is “going smoothly” a strange thing happens–our prayer life crumbles and we tend to forget God. Developing a consistent prayer life doesn’t come easy. This week we’ll look at one of the…

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BE A MAN!!!!!


What Does it Mean to Be a Man? Living a Life of Celebration–part 5 Father’s Day is this coming Sunday. For the last thirty years in American culture, there has been an assault on manhood. Manhood is cheapened and dumb-downed on most evening network shows. More and more men have little idea what it means…

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Rewards Are Coming Living a Life of Celebration-part 4 The gospel says we are saved by grace alone. There is never anything we can do to “earn” our way to heaven. However, God promises His people rewards for how they live. Rewards later provides hope now in tough times! Part of our joy (celebration) in…

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June 22-23 Friday night, Saturday morning/afternoon: Seth will be speaking on: 1. What Really Drives Relationships? Why Do They Sour? 2. How to Overcome Hurts and Forgive 3. Turning Emotion-Driven Relationships into Commitment-Driven Relationships 4. A Game Plan for Conflict: Turning Conflict into Deeper Relationship. 5. Understanding Men; Understanding Women. For more info, contact Seth…

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Changing Your Grumpy Attitude!!


How Do I Change My Attitude? The Power of Thanksgiving Living a Life of Celebration–part 3 When we were lost our attitude was chained to our circumstances. Ask anyone how their day is going and they respond on the basis of how their circumstances are going. When our circumstances “stink,” so does our attitude. It…

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Living a Life of Sacrifice


Living a Life of Sacrifice Living a Life of Celebration–part 2 Living a life of celebration begins with a life of worship, which we studied last week. A surprising aspect of living a life of celebration is sacrifice! Our fallen nature keeps looking for the easy way, the fun way, or the “meaningful to me”…

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