Seth Gatchell

How the Grinch Stole Christmas


  Developing a Passionate Heart Overcoming a Cold, Hard Heart DAY 1 What was wrong with the Grinch? It wasn’t that his shoes were too tight or that his head wasn’t screwed on right. It was that his heart was two sizes too small. No room left for anyone else. So he lived in a…

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Need an Attitude Adjustment?


Giving Thanks  DAY 1 Every parent absolutely insists on their small child saying, “thank you.” I have yet to run into ONE set of parents that don’t intuitively know that saying, “thank you,” is (1) not only the polite thing to do, (2) the right thing to do, and (3) even at the most selfish…

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Experiencing God-part 7


OBEY and EXPERIENCE GOD Experiencing God–part 7 Take some time, right now, to email me the answer to this question: what has struck you the most so far from Experiencing God? Reality #1: God is always at work around you. Reality #2: God pursues a continuing love relationship with you that is real and personal.…

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Adjustments! When Life Hits a Crisis!


Experiencing God–part 6 Take some time, right now, to email me the answer to this question: what has struck you the most so far from Experiencing God? Reality #1: God is always at work around you. Reality #2: God pursues a continuing love relationship with you that is real and personal. Reality #3: God invites…

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Experiencing God–part 5 Take some time, right now, to email me the answer to this question: what has struck you the most so far from Experiencing God? Reality #1: God is always at work around you. Reality #2: God pursues a continuing love relationship with you that is real and personal. Reality #3: God invites…

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Experiencing God: God Speaks


Experiencing God–Week 4 Take some time, right now, to email me the answer to this question: what has struck you the most so far from Experiencing God? Reality #1: God is always at work around you. Reality #2: God pursues a continuing love relationship with you that is real and personal. Reality #3: God invites…

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