Seth Gatchell

“June ‘Gloom'”


Last week, I sat on our back patio at sunrise, sitting in the midst of June gloom. As Californians, June gloom means “the fog rolled in off the coast.” But more, I was struck by the term, “gloom.” I then wrote this poem… JUNE GLOOM   The fog rolls in off the coast, our Pacific…

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“Unconditional” Love


While everyone wants unconditional love and mostly assumes that their love is unconditional, real life often exposes our “real” love to not be all that unconditional! Unconditional love doesn’t just “happen.” It is grown in the crucible of hardship, love unreciprocated, and sometimes getting kicked in the teeth. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE Unconditional love, most deeply desired, Is rarely…

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6 Kinds of Aches of the Heart


SIX ACHES OF THE SOUL   A frustrating world, the first kind of ache, Earthquakes, annoyances, and another headache. Would we turn to God if this world was ideal? The God of redemption found in life’s ordeal!   The pain of bad choices, the second kind of ache, Consequences felt from my own mistakes. We…

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True Story: Suffering in Burma, a poem


I wrote this poem this morning, based on a true story that happened to a very good friend of mine, yesterday. SUFFERING IN BURMA In the forested mountains of far off Burma, A group of doctors trek over terra firma. An eight-hour drive, bamboo rafts over rivers, Hours on a tractor, jungle hikes, to be…

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Lessons from King Solomon


SOLOMON   A prayer for wise guidance, Book of Proverbs, you penned. What could be wrong with that? Solomon, what happened?   Fortune 500 guy And pleasures unbridled, Um, a thousand women??? What’s with foreign idols???   Outside? All “together.” Inside? Another matter. His heart’s center, he lost. His life then would shatter.   If…

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SOMETIMES   December 10, 2016   “Some people are so heavenly-minded That they are of no earthly good.” Sometimes true; always sad. But don’t be misunderstood . . .   Sometimes, I can see the City on a Hill from here! Sometimes I can hear the singing of praises over there! Sometimes I feel the…

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