Seth Gatchell



Sometimes it seems my life is a wood sailing ship, An old three-masted ship, like Columbus’ trip. An Atlantic journey across uncharted seas, Some days pleasant and calm enjoying ocean’s breeze.   But so many days seem like sailing in a mist. It’s hard to see the shore, a wrong turn did I miss? On…

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Looking in the mirror, who do I think I see? Do I see the real me? Or who you too see me? I think I also see a man still on the mend, Am I really all three? Quite a confusing blend!   I also see myself, the person I aspire. But often falling short,…

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The Soldier


THE SOLDIER   October 4, 2017   The soldier loved gambling, the rolling of the dice, Breaks up monotony, though a fool’s paradise. “A God-forsaken land, a thousand miles from home, At discharge will I have post-traumatic syndrome?”   Punishment here, severe, death for two lousy thieves, Was the third one sentenced for just what…

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The Silver Lining of Loneliness


THE SILVER LINING OF LONELINESS   A sense of loneliness is inevitable. It’s so disconcerting, and so irritable. Can any one person fill the deepest caverns? Can spoonfuls of water fill the deepest cisterns?   Loneliness isn’t “bad,” not a “problem to solve.” Awakens deeper needs, mysteries to resolve! When we expect others, their love…

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Poem: The Inheritance


THE INHERITANCE   August 1, 2017   A poor, elderly couple sat in the office Of a middle aged attorney’s legal practice. The reading of the will, as they sat in posh chairs, A filthy-rich man just made them millionaires!   The lawyer had known the deceased for many years, Whose passing brought the lawyer…

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TWO FISHERMEN   July 6, 2017   A small boat glides into my still and quiet cove, Two young teens, hoping to add to their fishing trove. Baited fishing hooks and lures hang from a pole, It’s quiet, the hunt begins, they are on patrol.   The fish sees nothing of lures and hooks, rods…

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