Patty Thomsen

For Three Moms Who Lost Adult Children


Will someone grieve with me? To be with me in heart? The loss I’ll always bear, My heart is torn apart.   Will someone let me grieve? Not, “You have to ‘move on’.” “You have to live your life.” My child is always gone!   Will someone see my grief? Will someone walk with me?…

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It’s not circumstances that bring discouragement, Nor negative people, nor disillusionment. Then what is happening that puts me in the mopes? A mistake hard to see: trusting in misplaced hopes!   FALSE hopes that start out well but in the end? They sting! FLEETING hopes only last until the birds take wing! FUTILE hopes show…

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A.P.B.: Missing here! A right ear and left ear! No sign of whereabouts! Relations in the pouts!   Listening: you go first! Listening for heart’s thirst.   Listening for their mopes, Listening for their hopes.   Listening for their thoughts, Listening for sore spots.   Listening when they’re curt, Listening for their hurt.   Listening…

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A Prayer for Wisdom


O Lord, please make me wise. To live without disguise. To see You, give me eyes, Certain hopes in the skies!   Make me wise at sunrise To meet life’s lows and highs, To see through Satan’s lies, To value You, my prize!   Make me wise in life’s sighs, Alert to hear heart’s cries.…

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His high horse gallopin’, the rider was yellin’ Demands, accusations, horrible names, tellin’. Yet “justified,” haughty, his rights he was claimin’, He threw his mean lasso, his gun was a-shamin’.   Sin of entitlement is like hay to a horse. It feeds our foul anger with nary a remorse. All guns now a-blazin’, the tongue,…

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What a beauty is she, from her bud to full bloom, The petals unfolding are as soft as a plume. The richest, deep scarlet stuns and mesmerizes. Gazing at her glory, beauty energizes.   What a beauty is she, deep in her redeemed heart. Her eyes invite you in, with her, to be a part.…

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