Patty Thomsen

The New Mortal Sin


While we rightly regard The worth of everyone, But if you disagree? No one’s safe! Not a one.   Relationships now trashed. Years of joy gone with glee. The mortal sin abashed? You dared to disagree.   Thought police on Twitter, They’ll hunt you down in glee, While angry and bitter. Why? You dared to…

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I had an old friend once, His name? Humility. I saw him in my books. I’d see him on TV.   But my old friend has passed. Can’t find him on the news. Is he now an outcast? Can’t find him spouting views.   I miss my trusted friend. He helped me through this life.…

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Florence and Mabel


It started a long time ago That fiendish, wretched sin of blame. Two people on whom grace bestowed, Adam and Eve, hiding in shame.   Down through many millennia, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Even today’s millennials. Strife next door, Florence and Mabel.   Science, knowledge, education, We know more than Cain and Abel.…

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Good and Evil


Oh, if only it was all so plain. “We are the good, and they, the evil.” But evil rides on the human train, We’re neither angels nor the devil.   Some evil lies in every heart. Prowls like a lion, ready to strike. “Let fly your arrow and hurl your dart!” Or “politely”, just a…

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In the streets, lots of rage And cultural disgust. But selective outrage Makes our hearing mistrust.   Humility may help us, Looking in a mirror. Listening and learning May help us see this clearer.

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The greatest things of life don’t suddenly “appear.” Most of them you must build, through your blood, sweat and tears. There’s no place for short cuts, or just getting by, Diligent endurance you will need to apply.   In building a marriage or a newfound career, Your business, finances, or a brand new frontier, Building…

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