
Does Religion Cause Violence?


Some atheists claim that religion is violent by it very nature. In the book Terror in the Mind of God, Mark Juergensmeyer makes this very claim. He uses the imagery of cosmic war to claim that even religions whose end is peaceful can only get there by cosmic war. But is that true?

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Teacher Appreciation


This past Sunday we had a meeting with 20 of our Sunday school teachers, and what a blessing it was! I am absolutely amazed by all the people that work so hard and want to make a difference in the lives of all our children. Some Sundays are easier than others but it is always…

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Words of Wisdom for my Daughter


This past Sunday I listed out 20 “words of wisdom” for my daughter Charlotte. I wrote these with the idea of Solomon writing Proverbs for his son and thought it would be a fun exercise. A few people after service asked if I would share that list with them. So here it is: Charlotte: Pay…

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How Much Can Kids REALLY Understand About Easter?


How much about Easter can kids REALLY understand?  Does the story of Easter frighten or confuse younger children?  These are a couple of questions parents may have.  Here is some insight to the levels of understanding about Easter to the different age groups of kids per: LifeWay|Kids: Younger Pre-School – 2yrs old – Jesus did…

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Why a Professor Failing a Student for Being a Christian Should Keep You Up at Night


“In this age of grade inflation it is difficult to earn a grade of zero much less four consecutive zeros. Professors who do so are likely to be sending a message,” – Dr. Mike Adams I read an interesting article written by Kaitlyn Schallhorn (click her name to be directed to her twitter) today at…

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Pacific Youth Winter Camp!


Join us as we go to Winter Camp this year!! There is a limited number of spots, so get your deposit in ASAP to guarantee you are going. If you have any questions, or if $200 is too much, talk to Pastor Mark. We hope to see you there!

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