
Christian Worldview – Sanctity of Life


I have witnessed the wonder of childbirth. As a caring husband and expectant father, I stood at my wife’s side to encourage her as she gave birth to each of our three children. At our third child’s birth, the medical team even allowed me to snip the umbilical cord. I still get emotional when I…

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Knowing God


I’ve been reading the book Knowing God bu J.I. Packer and really been enjoying it. He lists out five core truths about the knowledge of God that Christians have. God has spoken to man, and the Bible is His Word, given to us to make us wise unto salvation. God is Lord and King over…

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Writing the Bible Ten Verses at a Time


I loved when I had the opportunity to go through the North Star Training Program with our church, it was a really great learning experience. One of the highlights was reading through the Bible really quickly, it really helped to see the overarching story of the Bible, from the onset of sin, to it’s defeat…

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Why Join A Church?


“Why Bother with Church Membership?” I’ve been asked the question before. Sometimes it’s said with genuine curiosity “So explain to me what membership is all about.” Other times it’s said with a tinge of suspicion “So tell me again, why do you think I should become a member?” as if joining the church automatically signed…

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Sermon Notes Kids Edition


If your family is anything like mine, most the time, you manage to get your kids to sit and watch church with you on the TV for about 3 minutes before telling them to just go play in the other room. we wanted to give you something to hopefully help keep their attention a little…

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Journal Your Experience for Historical Record


A nation-wide quarantine is quite rare, and most definitely will be written about in history books for years to come. This is a great time to write a record day by day of not only events on the news, but of personal opinions and perspectives. What a gift it will be to a later generation…

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