
Faith-Focused Education: Little Lambs Preschool’s Unique Approach


At Little Lambs Preschool in Irvine, we believe in the power of faith-focused education, a philosophy that nurtures young minds and hearts by intertwining academic excellence with spiritual growth. Here’s a closer look at what makes our approach unique and why it could be the perfect fit for your child. A Holistic Educational Experience At…

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The Initiating Love of God


Owen asked, “Why do they call Good Friday, ‘Good Friday’ if that’s when they killed Jesus?” That’s a great question. That’s not a 5-year-old question. He’s a genius! Let me tell you my favorite thing about Good Friday. My favorite thing about Good Friday is that God publicly, efficiently, and for all time outed me.…

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New Year Goals


“So I do not run aimlessly; I do not box as one beating the air. But I discipline my body and keep it under control, lest after preaching to others I myself should be disqualified.” Now there are two ideas here. One is, “Where are you running? I don’t run aimlessly. I know where I’m…

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Spiritual Formation


Every person, at some point in life, must decide whether to receive Jesus as his or her Lord and Savior. But that is just the starting point of a lifelong journey in discipleship as a follower of Jesus. As the apostle Paul says, we are to grow mature in Christ. We grow up into the…

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The Bible


Over the next three weeks on Sunday morning, we are going to be looking at the Bible. I know what you’re thinking, “Don’t we do that every week?” Yes, by the grace of God we do, but over the next few weeks, we are going to be looking at the book, or in this case,…

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What is the Bible


Human and Divine Literature   “God works with his human partners in and through the Spirit, not to override or diminish human agency but to empower his people to become vehicles of God’s heavenly life here on Earth” The Bible is neither a collection of golden tablets dropped from heaven, nor the work of human…

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