Lance Brown

Sermon: Discerning God’s Will, Part 1


God is not “far off” from you. He wants you to be with you, and lead you into the life He desires for you. What about Psalm 32:8 – Surprises you? Encourages you?  When God gave this verse to His people they were in exile! They had steadfastly and stubbornly refused to listen to God…

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Summer Marriage Series


PCI believes in healthy marriages! As such, we will be hosting another marriage seminar at PCI called the How to Strengthen Your  Marriage.  The seminar will be facilitated by Pastor Seth Gatchell Saturday, June 17th from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Saturday, July 22nd from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Saturday, August 26th from 7:00 PM –…

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Sermon: The Story, part 31: The Book of Revelation


Good bible hermeneutics (principles of biblical interpretation) tell us to interpret scripture according to the genre written. Read poetic books like Psalms as poetry. Read history books like 1 Samuel as history. Read allegorical books, like Revelation as an allegorical book.

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Sermon: Leaving a Legacy, The Impact of a Mother’s Life


One of the greatest things a mother does for her children is model how to relate to people. And there are LOTS of different “kinds” of people. Mothers teach their kids to honor people. They do this by teaching kids manners, how to apologize by asking forgiveness, how to be respectful, thankful, etc. As difficult…

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Sermon: The Story, part 30: The New Testament Epistles and Paul’s Final Days


No matter how short or long you’ve been a Christian, it’s extremely easy to be naïve about the difficulties of life and the difficulties of growing as a Christian. The greater our naiveté, the greater our discouragement!

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Sermon: The Story, part 29: The Early Church


How will the world see who Jesus Christ is? Amazingly, the world does get a chance to see “Jesus” when God’s people reflect something of who Jesus is, and relate to one another in ways that make it unmistakable that Jesus Christ is real. The image Paul uses is that of a body.

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