Lance Brown

Sermon: Baptism and Belonging


Last week we looked at what it means to become a Christian and what anchors us as Christians. Our conversion to Christ occurs when we repent of our sin and turn in faith to Christ as the One who paid for our sins, taking them upon Himself on the cross.  Baptism is so important that…

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Sermon: Brokenness, Conversion, Being Beloved


We’re all on a journey, the destination will be one of two places and each of us will determine where we finish. There is something wrong with man. You can see it on an international scale, you can see it on a national scale, you can see it at work, you can see it in…

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Sermon: The Gospel of Mark


We are in part 3 of “Redemptive Relating:” With, for, toward, in, up. This week, we look at the third way God relates to us: toward. God is always on the move toward people. So much of Old Testament history is the story of: God calling people to himself, People running away to “do their own…

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Sermon: Incarnation, God Entered Human History


The angel Gabriel visits Mary with the most startling news! As you read through this passage, underline or highlight what God is going to do. This passage is FULL of promises that will come to fruition in the near term, throughout human history, and into eternity!

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Sermon: Incarnation – Glory, Truth & Grace


As we continue our look at the prologue of the gospel of John, I am thankful that we have eyewitness testimonies of who Jesus Christ was, not just idle speculation by people two thousand years later, guessing and “wishful-thinking-it” as to who He was.

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Sermon: Incarnation — Son of Man, Son of God


This month we’ll look at the basis of Christmas. What can we know about Jesus Christ? Some people merely speculate about who they think He is. It’s difficult to take someone seriously who speculates about Jesus Christ far removed from first century experience.

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