Lance Brown
Dream Big, think small: The Power of Story
Sharing your testimony is much simpler than we imagine. Instead of thinking about your testimony as a whole, think of it as many little parts. Sharing your testimony RARELY involves sharing your WHOLE testimony. Think of it as sharing “spiritual potato chips” one at a time, that give people glimpses into your relationship with Christ.
Read MoreDream Big: Think Small
In sharing our faith, we sometimes make this much harder than it need be. Getting the cart before the horse means we will be pulling both cart and horse. This week, we will “think small” and look at some simple ways and ideas that can make sharing your faith story more natural, and something that…
Read MoreOrdinary Hospitality
Ordinary hospitality is central to the way of Jesus. It’s how He did outreach, and it how He told us to interact with believers and non-believers. So how do we recapture hospitality to engage our culture today? Pastor Mark walks us through this ordinary but valuable practice.
Read MoreThe God Who Keeps His Promises
Think the genealogy of Jesus is boring? The Matthew account contains a number of incredible surprises and important women (during a very patriarchal time) that is tremendous encouragement to everyone who struggles to believe that God can use their lives.
Read MoreEmmanuel: God With Us
What is Emmanuel? Why does the Angel tell Joseph to give his son the name Jesus, but that people in the future will call him Emmanuel? Pastor Mark takes us through some key verses as we being to grasp what Emmanuel and its literal translation “God with us” actually means to us today!
Read MoreA Light Has Come
Both Isaiah and John describe Jesus as the light, who comes into a dark world. Darkness has three important usages. It is descriptive of (1) the fallen world (2) our human nature that cannot and will not see the truth of God, life, and human nature, and (3) the willful refusal to turn to the…
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