Lance Brown

Is God’s Wisdom Timeless?


The western world continues to turn away from absolute truth. More and more, it only sees “relative truth” as foundational to life. On what basis can one claim that this world is governed by relative truth? Says who? And if that is true, what happens when your relative truth runs into your spouse’s relative truth?

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Is God a Moral Monster: Are God’s Commands Capricious?


The story of Abraham being commanded to sacrifice his son, Isaac, is a very puzzling story. What are we to make of it? We must first understand the context of Abraham life and God’s dealing with him. There are four important insights that will help us better understand this story.

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Is God A Moral Monster: Is God Petty, Jealous, or Easily Provoked?


Many famous atheists picture God as somewhat of a mean-spirited jerk or a bully. That God is so immature, that He insists that we worship Him instead of other Gods or else He will pour out His wrath upon unsuspecting man to illustrate His pettyness. Is this the nature of God…no, not really.

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Dancing with my Daughter


As part of my daughter’s senior year in National Charity League, she participated with her senior class in a special ceremony called senior recognition where the girls are recognized for their service to the community with various charitable leagues and foundations. It’s really kind of a big deal. Picture a wedding, with 15 brides! :-0…

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Sermon: Why Does God Ask Us To Praise Him?


Pastor Seth begins His series on some of the moral questions people ask about God. Is God a Moral Monster? Is he obsessed with Himself and his position over all other Gods? Is he insecure, in asking us to praise Him, or is there something deeper that God is trying to teach us about Himself…

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Easter Sunday Message – The Resurrection


Most people have heard the story of the resurrection. Many skeptics deny the veracity of that story. Pastor Seth takes us through Mark chapter 16 and talks about some of strong evidence about the resurrection of Christ, and talk about the hope that we can have as a result.

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