Lance Brown

How Life Feels: Discouragement


Discouragement is all about misplaced hopes.  But why do we deal with it? What causes it? Prov. 13:12 says that “HOPE deferred makes the heart sick.”   Your battles with discouragement will not change that much without God exposing our false and futile hopes and changing them to certain hope.

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There has been a lot in the news this week about reopening.  One of the things that seems to be fueling the lifting of stay-at-home orders, is a letter/petition sent by 600 doctors, to president Trump.  It wrote about the lock-down as a “mass casualty incident.”  They point out that cancer screenings are way down. …

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How Life Feels: Like a Mystery


Sometimes life seems VERY confusing! Big questions arise, like: Why is God silent? Has God abandoned me? Or even, is God attacking me? During times like this it seems as if God is doing nothing. In truth He is doing two very important things! This week we’ll look at what two of those things are, and…

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Mother’s Day: Leaving a Legacy


In honor of Mother’s Day, this week we’ll look at five ways we leave a legacy, not only for our kids, but for those all around us.  This is particularly apropos for all you mothers.

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Emotions: The Voice of the Soul


We tend to hate “negative” emotions, because nobody likes feeling bad. How are we to think about negative emotions? Why do we even have emotions?  The emotional part of our humanity is a gift to us from God, even the “negative” emotions.  This week we look at why that’s true, and how we are to think…

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An Ever-present Help


I’ve been doing a study in the Psalms this year.  This week, I hit Psalm 46.  What a gift to hit this Psalm with all that is going on with COVID-19!  Let me give you a few verses:   “God is our refuge and our strength, an ever-present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear,…

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