Lance Brown

Surviving and Thriving – Pt. 1


The church cannot be the church ONLY in Irvine, or any other specific community, until it is FIRST the church “of the world”. The scripture has a big YES toward the world, but ALSO a big NO to the world. This week we’re going to look at what that YES and NO entails, and talk…

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How Life Feels: Contempt


Why do we berate ourselves with self-loathing or contempt? Despite what some say, it’s NOT because we have a poor self-image or a painful past.  It is something deeper.  This week we are going to explore this issue and some other hard questions like: Why are we so stung by contempt from others? Why do…

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How Life Feels: Shame – Pt. 2


Last week we looked at how shame works. Then we began to see how God acts in dealing with our shame.  This week we’ll take a look at our only two options in dealing with shame. Most importantly how worldly shame leads us into an unhelpful spiral of anger and rage, but how Godly shame…

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How Life Feels: Shame – Pt. 1


Shame is a monster. It beats us over the head with embarrassment, contempt, and ridicule. We try to be more positive, try harder, do better, and become a better person, but month after month, year after year, shame holds its sword over our head, ready to strike over any misstep or misdeed. Why drives shame? What…

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A Moment of My Time


“I’ve always had a bit of argument in me.”  Hmm, that might be understating it a bit.  “I like to debate topics with people, even if we don’t agree.” Okay, that’s not quite right either.  “I like to be right and have everyone know that I’m right.” Okay, that’s closer, but it doesn’t sound very…

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How Life Feels: Despair/Hopelessness


Despair is a downward cycle made up of 4 parts: I know what I need, but I can’t get it, God won’t give it, and it may never come.  How does God meet us in our despair? How does He help us reverse this deadly spiral? Psalm 77

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