Lance Brown

Ministry and Teaming


A church is not a building. The Bible makes it clear that the church is a body of believers ”called out” for a purpose, and each purpose may be different!  A church is a group of God’s people, in community, making a difference in the lives of people, for the glory of God.

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Running on Empty


I like to think of myself as a person who can accomplish a lot.  In fact, for good or bad, that’s been a source of pride for me for most of my life.  I can accomplish a lot in a short period of time.  I can focus on a task, and really push it through…’til…

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Growing and Connecting


Every genuine Christian wants to grow in their faith, and in Christlike character, but how does that happen? Growth takes intentionality, and involvement with people. Humility and a learner’s heart helps immeasurably. In the final analysis, you get to select your rate of growth! You can take the slow train or the fast train!

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Volunteer Appreciation Lunch


Please stay after church with us Sunday, February 23rd, as we have lunch together right after the worship service and take a moment to honor all of our hard-working volunteers, who make it possible for us to serve our community.  From children’s church, to coffee ministry, to worship team, to greeters, and more.  We couldn’t…

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Conversion and Baptism


There are words that we sometimes skip over, when we talk about faith. What does conversion really mean? What is sin? And these questions lead to other questions: How come I can’t fix myself? What does Christ’s death have to do with my ability to even come to Christ in faith? What signs should I…

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Our Mission: EVERYONE


This week we finish up our theme series for the year:  We exist to enjoy and share the love and message of God with everyone. This week we look at “everyone.” Some people in our lives are difficult.  But it is important to remember that people matter to God. EVERYONE matters to God, and THAT should matter…

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