Lance Brown
Portraits of Jesus – The Light of the World
The story of the woman caught in adultery contains a famous verse that many lost people know–“He who is without sin can cast the first stone.” It is a stunning story from start to finish, and it help illustrate the next verse that follows that story. “I am the light of the world.” What does that mean?…
Read MorePortraits of Jesus – Water of Life
Every human being is thirsty for “life,” that something for which we are all searching. Sometimes that thirst is very acute. Our souls are dry and parched like hot desert air. Unfortunately, we search for water everywhere and anywhere except in our relationship with Jesus Christ. This week we’ll look at human thirst and how God…
Read MorePortraits of Jesus – The Bread of Life
John 6 is a powerhouse chapter Jesus feeds the 5,000, walks on water, and teaches on being the ‘Bread of Life.’ The divinity of Christ is on display in His miracles, and His teaching about His identity and the “life” that He wants to give us paint such a powerful picture of his character and…
Read MorePortraits of Jesus – The Life-Giving Physician
Jesus has been called the “Great Physician.” We think of His miracles of healing. But those miracles of healing our physical bodies point to a far greater miracle–the healing of our heart and soul. He doesn’t just mean physical life and death. He points to something greater–spiritual life and death, both in this world and the…
Read MoreSufficiency of Christ
The sufficiency of Christ is something that most Christians would say, “Yes! I absolutely believe in the sufficiency of Christ.” However, what that really means came to a very sharp point as we discussed it one week in our LifeGroup’s study in Colossians Chapter 1. Here Paul talks to the church about how excited he…
Read MorePortraits of Jesus – Thirst, and Living Water
We can spend a lifetime looking for that which will fill our souls. We can look far and wide, with people, with events, with experiences, with acquisitions, and with just about anything else you of which comes to mind. But we will never touch the deepest parts of our soul until we find what Jesus…
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