Lance Brown

Sufficiency of Christ


The sufficiency of Christ is something that most Christians would say, “Yes!  I absolutely believe in the sufficiency of Christ.”  However, what that really means came to a very sharp point as we discussed it one week in our LifeGroup’s study in Colossians Chapter 1. Here Paul talks to the church about how excited he…

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Portraits of Jesus – Thirst, and Living Water


We can spend a lifetime looking for that which will fill our souls. We can look far and wide, with people, with events, with experiences, with acquisitions, and with just about anything else you of which comes to mind.  But we will never touch the deepest parts of our soul until we find what Jesus…

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Portraits of Jesus – Divine Teacher


In John 3, Jesus teaches Nicodemus, a committed leader of Judaism, about the necessity of being born again. John 3 also lays out God’s rescue mission of men and women who are lost, guilty, and without hope, in need of rescue! But most folks aren’t interested, not believing they need rescuing, and certainly not interested in…

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Portraits of Jesus – Son of Man


This week we’ll study John 2.  As we read about Jesus turning water into wine at a wedding, and Jesus cleansing the temple, let’s make some observations about our human nature that often come back to bite us in the “you know what” in our personal life, relationships, and our relationship with God.

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Portraits of Jesus


We are beginning a study of the gospel of John, this week. John 1 is a storehouse of information that tells us the identity of Jesus Christ. We will look at eight of them. What better way to start the new year than looking and studying the magnificent Jesus Christ!

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The Birth Announcement of Mary


We so often hear the story of Mary this time of year, but it’s just as easy to gloss over the extreme cost it would have been to a young girl, to find herself graced with this ‘favor’ from God. What did it cost her in terms of her life’s plans? What did it cost…

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