Lance Brown

Community: The Dance of the Trinity


As Christians, we are to live IN three communities. The “community” of the Trinity–God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. God includes us in the life of that community! We live in community together as God’s people. We live in the community of lost people. We are to be salt and light. …

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New Year’s Resolutions


Much has been said and written about New Year’s Resolutions.  Some people laud them and suggest that if you don’t set any goals, you don’t have anything to shoot for in terms of personal growth.  Others believe that we all set far too lofty a set of goals, and that we don’t even have a…

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Advent: 24


This coming Sunday the 26th we are going to be looking at a day in the life of Jesus as we dig into the last section of the book of Mark in a sermon called 24 (Cue Jack Bauer and the beeping countdown clock). But, leading up to a typical day for Jesus, was a…

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Christmas Show: “That’s the Good News!”


Through our Christmas Show this year, we think about loss, and living in a fallen world at Christmas time, when our hearts long for the abundant life and “Peace on Earth.”  It is only when we are finding that life in our relationship with God AND then giving it away to someone else in conversations…

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The Upside-Down Kingdom: The Upside-Down Peace


We assume peace comes from everything going “smoothly,” or when we get our way. We may experience a few moments of peace, but life continues to throw challenges at us. In the upside-down kingdom, God uses all of those “opportunities” to slowly train us how to be at peace regardless of our situations, no matter…

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The Upside-Down Kingdom: The Shepherds and their Faith


We live in the age of “mega influencers” and “micro-influencers.” (Yes, I had to look up what those terms meant). It was not to the “connected,” to those “trending,” to “the beautiful people,” or “celebrities” that the most important message was told. It was to what we often hear–to the “lowly” shepherds. Why? Why would God choose shepherds…

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