Lance Brown

Witnessing Made Easier: Three-Minute Testimony


We all have a story of how God met us, and took us from death to life. Our testimony includes not only our lives before and after receiving Christ, but also our experience with Christ. When we share our full testimony, we have an opportunity to share LIFE with people…then ask them what the Spirit…

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Witnessing Made Easier: One-Minute Testimony


This week we’ll look at a simple 1-minute testimony. We’ll look at several different examples that should give you some ideas regarding your own. We rarely get to share our entire testimony, but there are many opportunities to share small parts of our testimony!

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Witnessing Made Easier: One-Sentence Testimony


This week we’ll look at writing a simple one sentence testimony. We’ll look at several different examples that should give you some ideas regarding your own. We rarely get to share our entire testimony, but there are many opportunities to share small parts of our testimony!

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Witnessing Made Easier: Asking Questions


Before people are ready to hear the gospel, a trust relationship must be established. It is established through asking questions, taking an interest in people, listening, and caring. As we ask questions of people, most people will reciprocate those questions. This helps us move conversations toward spiritual things.

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Witnessing Made Easier: Prayer


Witnessing is simply sharing the gospel story with someone, while leaving the results up to God. To what extent we think it’s up to us to convert people is the amount of pressure we inadvertently add to ourselves. Only God can change the human heart. Only God can convert people. But, He uses our prayer, serving, and…

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Witnessing Made Easier: Who Is My Neighbor?


A man asked Jesus, “Who is my neighbor?” Jesus told the man the parable of the Good Samaritan. At the end of the story the man answered his own question. My neighbor is any person, with any need that I can address or meet in some way. God puts people all around you who need…

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