Lance Brown
Trusting in the Lord
I once heard a story of a young man who wanted to leave a gang that he had been involved in since he was only 12. At first a snitch, he had worked his way up to carrying small amounts of drugs for the leaders. At a youth rally, he had received Christ and confessed…
Read MoreWhat is the Bible?
What is the Bible? A lot’s at stake here. If we misunderstand what the Bible is, we risk turning it into something it’s not. We’ll use and abuse it for our own ends. In this teaching, we make the case that the Bible is a library of writings that are both divine and human, that…
Read MoreGrace and Truth: Race
What does the bible say about race? In our complicated, race-charged modern society, how should we navigate the topic in conversations with people? How are we to think about race relations and slavery in American history or even world history? We would be wise to be honest about our history and be honest about our…
Read MoreGrace and Truth: Economics
Socialism and Communism are all the rage at the universities. They appeal to young adults’ idealism, sense of fairness, and compassion for the underdog. Unfortunately, socialism and communism eventually torpedo the very people they believe will be helped. We’ll look at socialism, communism and capitalism this week.
Read MoreGrace and Truth: Government – pt. 2
During the Constitutional Convention debates and writing, the bible was quoted about 34% of the time compared to the total of other authors who were quoted! Those who claim that the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution are secular in nature are incorrect. The principles that are stated in the Declaration and fleshed out in the…
Read MoreGrace and Truth: Government – pt. 1
What is the “biblical take” on what the U.S. government supposed to do? What is it not supposed to do? In today’s world we hear the siren call for the abolishing of government, the de-funding of police, abolishing the criminal justice system, and a repudiation of the Judeo-Christian ethic in the name of “freedom.” It’s…
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