Lance Brown
How God Uses Money to Shape Us: Financial Freedom and Contentment
Sometimes we get into debt because of circumstances beyond our control, like getting laid off in a down economy. But most of the time we get into debt because we are naïve and/or careless about money. Often, because of a lack of contentment, we try to use money to fill empty places in our heart,…
Read MoreHow God Uses Money to Shape Us: Escaping the Debt Trap
We continue our series on how God uses money to shape us. This week we’ll look at getting into and out of debt. Obviously, it is much easier to dig “into” the debt hole than to dig our way out. I’ll share six danger signs of getting into debt, and nine steps that are sure to help…
Read MoreHow God Uses Money to Shape Us: Responsibility
God uses money to expose our values and our hearts. He uses money to build Christ-likeness, His values, His kingdom, and our faith. God uses the visible (money) to expose the invisible (our hearts/character). He also uses the visible to build the invisible (our character).
Read MoreHow God Uses Money to Shape Us: His vs. Mine!
People of differing views on money. Some find money annoying, others pleasing, still others a necessary evil, etc. Money is also a way God develops character in us, giving us opportunities to make a difference in the world. Having opportunities to be a blessing to your family, church, and those in need. We’ll look at all of…
Read MoreWhat is the Bible: What is the Bible For?
This week we tackle the question, what is the Bible for? What is this library of writings supposed to do in our life and community? We make the case that Scripture was designed to be read for formation, not just information. We are all being formed in a certain kind of person by our habits,…
Read MoreWhat is the Bible: Where Did the Bible Come From?
What does it mean to believe that the Bible is a divine word to God’s people? Does it require a belief that the book fell from heaven or that its origins are less than human? In this teaching we’ll explore a crash course on the history of the Bible and why it came into existence.…
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