Allie Adams

Blessed by Ancient Words


From September to May I am involved in an in-depth, structured Bible Study at BSF.  Every year during the summer I like to find something easier and lighter to study.  Seth was telling me recently that he had been so blessed lately by listening to hymns sung by a choir in a cathedral with a…

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Our new reality


The world we find ourselves in right now is one that was unimaginable just a few weeks ago.  The things we thought so secure, we now see are so fragile.  The life we thought we could control, we now see how much of an illusion that was. Even though this is scary, there is blessing…

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National Day of Prayer


Join us on Thursday, May 7th as we join others around the country to pray for our world, our nation, our communities, our families, and ourselves.  The sanctuary will be transformed into a prayer sanctuary with a path which will take you on a prayer journey, ending with an opportunity to take communion.  The doors…

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PCI Kitchen Makeover


If organizing is your thing or if you can provide some slave labor, please come and help us get our kitchen de-cluttered and organized.  We’ll be there this SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th at NOON. Thank you!

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Goodbye to the Hassons!


Please join us as we gather to say goodbye to our wonderful Hasson family. Jonathan has served as an elder here at PCI for 3 years, Mardi has been involved in many ministries and their whole family has been such a blessing to so many of us. Jonathan, Mardi, Sarah and Clara are moving to…

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Breakfast Club


Women – If you find yourself with free time on Thursday mornings, join us for breakfast at Denny’s, corner of Culver and Walnut in Irvine, at 8:30am. We are there every week, just eating and chatting, what us girls like to do best :) Contact Allie Adams for more info.

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