Allie Adams
Revelation 2 Jesus gives John a message for the Ephesian church. He commends them for their hard work and standing for truth, then He says this : “Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken the love you had at first.” That is, they have abandoned their love of God and, consequently, love for…
Read MoreWhere the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom!
The 4th of July is always a reminder of how grateful we are for this country. The land of the free and the brave. Freedom is often taken for granted but we are keenly aware of the privilege of being free since we have experienced life without freedom. We are thankful for the men and…
Read MoreKing, Priest, and Sacrifice.
In the Old Testament, the people were ruled by a King, and in order for the people to have atonement for their sin, they needed an animal sacrifice and a priest. At the cross, Jesus is revealed as all 3 of these things, king, priest and the sacrificial lamb. Pilate made a sign and posted…
Read MoreThe God of fresh starts and second chances
As we start a new year which is a tangible fresh start, it reminds me that this is part of God’s plan and how He works in our lives. He knows our human sinful nature and all of it’s frailties and He knew we would be in constant need of fresh starts and second chances.…
Read MorePracticing the virtues of Christ
We begin our journey with Jesus with salvation. As wonderful and miraculous as that is, it is just the beginning. What follows is an onward journey of sanctification – the process of spiritual formation, growth and maturity. God does this work in us, confirming us to His character from the inside out. However, it does…
Read MoreDeclutter your soul
A few years ago I watched a documentary called “Minimalism” which inspires people to declutter their homes. Every day we bring stuff into our homes but very rarely do we get rid of stuff, so our lives and homes become cluttered and that creates stress and disorder. So the concept of minimalism is to only…
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