Pacific Church

Women of Faith Conference Sept 5-6


Women of Pacific – mark your calendars and contact Laura McFarland for tickets and more information.  This year’s conference at the Anaheim Honda Center is titled “Infinite Grace” and should be inspiring, exciting, and uplifting.  This conference often sells out so Pacific has pre purchased 16 tickets that are available for you to buy on a first…

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Guy’s Night/Girl’s Night


This Friday, July 25th from 5pm-9pm, we will be having Guys’ Night/Girl’s Night.  We will NOT be meeting at the Church, but at different houses for fun activities.  Guys will be at the Miyaoka’s House (18672 Via Palatino, Irvine) and Girls will be at the Tabor’s House (5 Broadleaf, Irvine).  Maps are linked.  Cost is…

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7/20/08 Sermon – Everybody Needs a Coach


[slideshare id=520250&doc=20080720coach-1216513976107640-8&w=425] See the notes: Coach Right click here to download sermon, then from the window that pops up click on “save target as” or “save as” and it will save on your computer. Click to subscribe to Pacific Church of Irvine (Sermons)

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The Adventure Club is at it again! We ladies have been hiking, swimming, cycling, jogging, doing Fit-4-Christ and therefore, thought it was the right time to add something xtreme.  So Indoor Rock Climbing it is!!! Where: Rockreation in Costa Mesa located at 1300 Logan Avenue, Costa Mesa, CA 92626 When: Sunday, August 17th Time: 1 to 3pm Cost: $19 p.p.…

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H2H Walking & Adventure Club


Ladies, our wallking & adventure club is in full “stride!”  If you have thought about joining us but haven’t yet, now is the time.  We have designed walks for all  fitness levels.  You just need to show up and bring water and wear sunscreen, hat and sunglasses.  If you have a dog, you can even bring it along so…

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Loneliness – 7/13/08 Sermon


[slideshare id=511924&doc=20080713lonelinesshome-1215999327095773-9&w=425] Read the sermon notes: loneliness Sermon Notes Right click here to download sermon, then from the window that pops up click on “save target as” or “save as” and it will save on your computer. Click to subscribe to Pacific Church of Irvine (Sermons)

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