Pacific Church

10/24/10 Sermon (Clear Up Relationships p4)


2010.10.24 clear up relationships View more presentations from Pacific Church. 10/24/10 sermon notes Right click here to download sermon, then from the window that pops up click on “save target as” or “save as” and it will save on your computer. Click to subscribe to Pacific Church of Irvine (Sermons)

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Sunday Sermon Notes: “What Happens After We Die?”


Isn’t it interesting that our world doesn’t really know what to do with the idea of death? Flowers, which are beautiful signs of life, adorn cemeterie. There is even an occupation to make dead people look nice and happy and life-like after they’re dead—a mortician. All of the anti-aging creams, diets, and plastic surgeries prove…

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10/17/10 Sermon (Correction – Giving and Receiving p3)


2010.10.17 correction give and receive it View more presentations from Pacific Church. 10/17/10 sermon notes Right click here to download sermon, then from the window that pops up click on “save target as” or “save as” and it will save on your computer. Click to subscribe to Pacific Church of Irvine (Sermons)

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10/10/10 Sermon (An Authentic Life Living an Honest and Open Life Heart Attitudes – p 2 )


2010.10.10 living an honest and open life View more presentations from Pacific Church. 10/10/10 sermon notes Right click here to download sermon, then from the window that pops up click on “save target as” or “save as” and it will save on your computer. Click to subscribe to Pacific Church of Irvine (Sermons)

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10/3/10 Sermon (Put the Success of Others Above Your Own p1)


2010.10.3 put the success of others above your own View more presentations from Pacific Church. 10/3/10 sermon notes Right click here to download sermon, then from the window that pops up click on “save target as” or “save as” and it will save on your computer. Click to subscribe to Pacific Church of Irvine (Sermons)

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9/26/10 Sermon


Right click here to download sermon, then from the window that pops up click on “save target as” or “save as” and it will save on your computer. Click to subscribe to Pacific Church of Irvine (Sermons)

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