Pastor Seth – Poems and Musings

The Lost Art of Listening


Do we see in others with “true,” “perfect” vision

The same traits in ourselves that cause such division?


A slowness to listen? To hear someone’s meaning?

Ever quick to react, words that are demeaning?

Tinny, dullness of ear that refuses to hear,

Does anyone listen? Listening disappeared!


“Can you hear me, now? No! Listen! My turn to speak!

I had to be ‘honest’, and give you my critique!”

Conversation wearies; another reprimand.

Do I speak so poorly? Will someone understand?


To make different meanings, twisted in “translation,”

Fake, straw man arguments, wild exaggerations,

Gossip, innuendo, multiple frustrations!

Rumors and assumptions, deflating vexations!


Must I walk on egg shells? Oh, so easily hurt.

Watch your every word! Thin ears on high alert!

Easily offended, triggered generation.

Ears turned into weapons, dialogue’s damnation!


Proud words come spewing forth, unteachable fury,

Hard, stubborn reactions, your ears, judge and jury.

Ears that won’t understand, never ending drama,

Ears could put a stop to relational trauma.


There’s one who always plays the “devil’s advocate.”

His ears? On hiatus. His words? Alienate.

What’s really going on? Surely not dialogue.

He is wholly driven by his proud monologue.


O, broken and deaf ears, won’t you come back to life?

If you were working well, could we kill angry strife?

But these two ears just hang, on the sides of your head,

While your mouth thunders on, and understanding, dead.


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