Pastor Seth – Poems and Musings


Up from deep within us, desires that elude us,

A hunger? Restlessness? What gives us such a fuss?

Can you put words to this? Do passions have a name?

Sometimes like a flicker, other times like a flame.


Longing to see impact, my life makes a difference,

Are others blessed by me? Search for significance.

Longing to know my life counted, while I, earthbound,

Brought light into darkness, while heaven-journeyed bound.


Does every woman long, her heart to be explored?

To be seen and still loved? To feel she is adored?

Longing for connection, one, emotionally,

Gazing on your beauty, entwined intimately.


Longings, aspirations, the kind of man I’ll be,

To be a better man, bringing honor to Thee,

For character, solid, a life to emulate,

In weakness finding strength, and words that carry weight.


To gaze upon beauty, connected without shame,

For two to become one, and gladly bear Your name.

Enjoying one’s presence, experiences shared,

Affections sweet and kind, hearts and minds and souls bared.


Longings, yearnings, daydreams, like ocean currents, strong,

Heart-filled aspirations, sweet melodies of song.

Affections and passions, like sea billows rolling,

Fascinations, feelings, like hurricanes roiling.


All day and through the night these longings are stirring,

Searching for that “something;” (nothing snuffs out yearning).

Do I look deep enough, in deepest parts of me?

If I had eyes to see, what longings would I see?


All my longings point me to longings deeper still,

To find desire for God, to see His heart and will.

The deepest connection, secure and guaranteed,

Life-giving communion, for Him I intercede.


Human love meets longings like clouds that you can see.

Puffy, wispy, whimsy, then blown on out to sea.

But God’s love like the soil, hidden beneath the ground,

Loam-rich in nutrients, bearing fruit all around.


Our longings in this life, insatiable, they are,

They’re not the deepest point; they’re like the morning star.

But when the Son rise comes, His beauty, glory seen,

His banquet then begins, the finest of cuisine.



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