Pastor Seth – Poems and Musings


Jade, a beautiful gem! You created this green!

Colored lightly or dark, I love its shimmered gleam!

Rings of jade man has carved, and a horse carved from jade.

An artist skilled, but You, this gem of beauty, made.


A different kind of jade sullies my attitude.

Cynical, how I brood, callous, my sour mood.

Add a “d” onto jade and beauty goes away.

Jaded, it’s in my bones, dour mood in decay.


Jaded when leaders fall, jaded when someone fails

Jaded when heroes fall, jaded in my travails,

Jaded by know-it-alls, jaded by human pride,

Jaded by arrogance, jaded when someone’s snide.


Can I be unjaded, and be realistic?

Or to be unjaded must I be simplistic?

Do I not see man’s soul and see his darker side?

How we hate to admit our pride unjustified.


Can I who am jaded, be remade back to jade?

Can beauty that was lost be polished and remade?

Are you blind to your sin, sinful humanity?

Does being less jaded mean more humility?


How are You so patient with all of man’s preening?

With human’s arrogance? All this nasty screaming?

Each man to dust he’ll go, his life will pass away,

And human pride will die, and justly put at bay.


Oh, beautiful green jade, your beauty summons me.

Will I be more gracious when someone shouts at me?

I look back to the cross, and how You were reviled,

And for my sin You were, the Holy, meek and mild.

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