Pastor Seth – Poems and Musings


A child falls and scrapes his knee, scared as he sees blood!

Hot tears stream down his face, turning into a flood.

For comfort, he’ll naturally run to his mother.

His soul will be strengthened when he runs to father.


A child is puzzled and doesn’t know what to do,

To a parent he runs for a different point of view.

A child sloshing in the mud, oh such dirtying,

Mother gives him a bath, oh such cleansing.


The shortest way to God? Through the eyes of a child!

Running to Jesus, from Him a hug, meek and mild.

Is what I need most the same as a child?

Refuge and strength and a heart reconciled?


My untamed heart, like a young lion that’s wild,

Is easily discouraged, easily beguiled.

Oh, God my Father, may I again see your smile?

Please help me see You, through the eyes of a child!

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