Pastor Seth – Poems and Musings


Satan’s magic box holds slyest tricks of his trade.
A flute plays an intoxicating serenade.
A mesmerizing image, perfect delusion,
To get you to chase a deceptive illusion.

The battles are waged in your imagination,
Satan, oh so coy at building fascination.
He plucks the violin strings of your affections,
And lures you with deceiving captivations.

Satan starts with the simplest of attraction,
And blows that up into perceived admiration.
You’ll wear the slave’s chains of raw infatuation,
Driven by fantasies and idealization.

Satan’s lies and temptings are ever voracious,
While God’s wisdom and truth are ever veracious.
God’s side of the battle is driven by reason,
For to give in to Satan is just like treason.

By faith, cling to God’s truth against Satan’s lie.
Turn quickly from wrong passions; surely they must die.
Fickle emotions, moods, and deceiving desires,
Can plunge you into quicksand and lethal quagmires.

Satan glues emotion to imagination.
Faith is the glue holding truth, reason and wisdom.
Wield the sword of truth, hold fast faith as your shield,
Powerful weapons of war on your battlefield.

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