
It seems like as soon as Thanksgiving is over and packed away, all eyes are on Christmas!  And for good reason.  Most of us have wonderful memories and experiences that we look forward to, during this “most wonderful time of the year!”  I know that for me, watching my kids tear into a gift that I hope they will appreciate always brings me joy…for a few minutes.

However, as I am getting older, I’m more and more into the season of Advent.  What precisely is Advent?  The dictionary defines it as “the arrival of a notable person, thing, or event.”  Some denominations have a long-standing tradition of honoring advent with the lighting of advent candles, and devotionals that cause us to think about the tremendous event that we look forward to celebrating on Christmas Day.

The anticipation in which we linger, is one that has irrevocably changed the entire world!  We anticipate the birth of Messiah!!  The long prophesied Christ, who will redeem Israel, but also who will also “take away the sins of the world.”  And he does this in the most humble form imaginable.  Born into vulnerability and horrific peril, as a jealous king marked Him for death, He is nothing less than God, incarnate.

God.  With.  Us.  Bringing redemption, hope, peace, and joy!  So, if you’re like me, as you sink into your advent devotions this year, take a moment to pause upon and think about what it would have been like for us, if Messiah had NOT come all those years ago.  And be filled with joy, for 2000 years ago, “…in the city of David, a Savior has been born to you, who is Christ the Lord!” (Luke 2:11)

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