I recently had the privilege of listening to Allistair Begg preach on Acts chapter 17. I won’t steal his thunder, as I’m sure you can download it on his Truth for Life website, or podcast, but I wanted to give you my big three takeaways that I think makes evangelism easier for all of us.
- When Paul spoke to the Epicureans and the Stoics in Thessalonica, he spoke about Jesus in a winsome way. He could have slammed their pantheism, but instead he noticed that they were “spiritual” and had even noticed their altar to an “unknown God.” Instead of telling them how backward and wrong they were, he spoke to them gently and make a point of saying that he wanted to introduce them to this God, the make of heaven and earth.
- He also spoke plainly to them. He didn’t use flowery language, or try to create this huge narrative. He talked about One who gives us all life and breath and everything else. He make it relatable to them by using the example from on of their own stoic philosophers named Aratus, who said “We are His offspring.”
- He Left. Isn’t that amazing! He told them God loved them, and then DIDN’T stay around to try to do the Holy Spirit’s job of conviction. Don’t get me wrong, surely there is a purpose to relational evangelism where we come alongside people, but just because we may never see someone again (like on a plane, or in the subway) doesn’t mean we can’t introduce them to the God of the universe who lives them.
God is about the business of changing hearts. It is for some to water, and some to nourish, but it is GOD who makes things grow. We have an important role. We are the hands and feet of Jesus, but he alone can change the hearts of men. He just wants us to be willing to speak the truth. He really is capable of doing the rest.