Women’s Night Out – Service Project: Cookie Decorating & Thanksgiving Crafts
Monday, November 5, 6:30-8 p.m.
Location: Ronald McDonald House – 383 S. Batavia St., Orange, CA 92868
The holidays are an especially difficult time to have a child in the hospital. You can be a blessing to the parents and siblings of hospitalized children by joining us for a Cookie Decorating and Thanksgiving Craft party at Ronald McDonald House! Online sign-up and waiver are required (See steps below). Donations for supplies are appreciated. Please contact [email protected] for more information.
We will meet at Ronald McDonald House. Feel free to arrange your own carpools if desired.
How to sign-up:
Step 1: Go to http://orangecountygroup.rmhcsc.volunteerhub.com
Step 2: Create a Volunteer Account
Step 3: Enter this Join Code: PCIWG
Step 4: Find the date of your volunteer event. (November 5, 6:30-8 p.m.)
Step 5: Click the “Sign up” button.
What if I already have a Ronald McDonald House Volunteer Account…?
If you already have a Volunteer account please go to your Account Profile. In your Account Profile you will find the option to add a Join Code. Please follow the same steps above, but start with Step 3