It’s hard to believe that VBS is only 5 weeks away!!! It’s even harder to believe that this will be my oldest daughter’s last year of Vacation Bible School. How time flies… and I know that it will be flying even faster as we enter the Jr. High & High School years. Where am I going with this? Our lives are busy, time flies, but VBS is the one week of the whole year that you and your children can worship God, grow in faith, and have an absolute blast TOGETHER. One week of UNINTERRUPTED fun. One week to be a kid, WITH your kid. All for HIS glory. Yes, I have considered that one week of no interruptions from my kids might be nice too….but I have treasured every VBS moment. It is a gift of my time to my kids and their friends. A gift my kids will always remember, long after the Ipod and cellphone (that they swore, if they got it, would make me the BEST mom in the world) are forgotten. I encourage you to be a part of your child’s VBS experience. Only skill needed: loving God and loving kids. Maybe you don’t have a week, but what about 2 or 3 mornings??? Maybe you work. This year, my husband will go in late, stay late, and skip lunch for a day or two, so that he can come to VBS. Time is flying by. Don’t miss the opportunities that God is giving you to make an eternal difference in your child’s life.