For the past 8 weeks or so, our small group has been entertained, bewildered, probed, challenged, moved to tears, frustrated, convicted, humbled and awed by Focus on the Family’s “The Truth Project”, a series of ‘tours’ or lectures on various aspects of Christian beliefs and understanding.
The DVD series is hosted by Dr. Del Tackett from Focus on the Family; each week, he explores a different topic and leads an investigatory tour into subjects such as “Who is Man?”, “Who is God?”and “Science” .
Sounds dry, doesn’t it? Well, nothing can be further from reality! Dr. Tackett is a great speaker and the content keeps you riveted to the screen. I have personally been encouraged and convicted in each and every meeting I have managed to attend. (My travel schedule remains hectic!)
Lance Brown traveled up to Colorado a few months ago to attend the training class and came back on fire! He and Carol presented the material to the College small group and evidently found that, based on the feedback they received, the current Christian worldview can be distorted and molded to fit any number of ‘lies’ made available by the World and Satan.
In presenting the material to our ‘older’ small group, we have found that, although we have avoided some of the pitfalls and temptations towards worldly thinking, we do have a common experience of taking things for granted and not really knowing WHY we believe what we believe.
If you are looking to be challenged in your Christian growth and thinking, this series is a ‘must do’.
I hope and pray that our other small groups will have the opportunity to get stuck into The Truth Project soon!
Thanks for the challenge! I too hope to bring The Truth Project to our small group. The temptation to mold the Truth to whatever suits our desires is so big today, that a good dose of Truth would be great for any person or small group.
I recommend you guys look at “The Grand Weaver” by Ravi Zacharias. What a tremendous book for study about why who we are is so important to God’s work. Just tonight, we studied and discussed how Worship is so important in our relationship with God, but that Worship has been diluted in our current worldview to mean only “praise singing”. Worship, however, is so much more – communion, community, prayer, giving, learning, as well as praise.
I think anyone in our small group would highly recommend the book!